Think about 思考

The page contains some of my ideas, which you may not se in some social media posts. I am willing to communicate with others, which is very important! Ideas may be to a person, or a time, or seem a little... But... Hope to meet like-minded you. 

Thinking about 思考
2024.4 全新改版,每月初期敬请关注
2024.4 New revision, monthly initial attention!

2024.7.1-7.30 2024.6.1 - 6.30

 2024.5.1 - 5.31

敬请期待! Stay Tuned!
5 no.1 2024.5.6说起中国计算机的发展与使用,如果其中不计算手机,现在的使用用户会是多少?不知道传统的计算机的使用安全性现在提高了吗?手机也是计算机,它们的安全性又会有多高呢?在手机的普及率提升方面,老年人使用的比例大增,是中国计算机普及率的一个关键点,往往这部分人群对计算机的使用与安全性的了解率为"零"!同时这也导致了电信诈骗的增加!如何改进与完善是关键!杜绝这一风险的最好办法就是放弃手机的网络金融功能!只做为信息传达的窗口!并且网络与传统通话功能分开使用!

5 no.2 2024年了,中国所谓的文创产业已经进行了这么多年了,为什么纸媒与网络媒体的时尚版面看不到好的作品呢?包括图片与文章?5. no.2 Both 2024 years ago, China's so-called cultural and creative industry has been carried out for so many years. Why can't the fashion layout of print media and online media see good works? Including pictures and articles?

5 no. 3 虽然已经是2024年的5月了,虽然树叶都绿了,昨天据说已经立夏了,但还是有一丝丝春日的凉意!五月结婚的人也很少,缺乏爱意的一个五月!Although it has been May 2024, although the leaves are green, yesterday is said to have started summer, but there is a little cool spring day! There are few people who get married in May, a may that lacks love!

5 no.4 This summer I want to have a new girlfriend, I want to have a love! I can with her talking, smile, and more...

5 no. 5 需要什么样的女朋友呢?应该是有共同语言,有共同的爱好,可以一起学习,还有就是象一档娱乐节目中的一位演员说的:“就是半夜突然醒来,可以随时和你说说话的那种女朋友:)”What kind of girlfriend do you need? There is a common language, a common hobby, can learn together, and like an actor in an entertainment show say: "is suddenly woke up in the middle of the night, can talk to you at any time the kind of girlfriend:)

5 no.6 刚刚从电脑上看到麦当劳的食品安全问题,据说是2024513日的事情,事发在中国,就不说具体是发的位置了!中国买断了麦当劳的经营权几十年,问题是出自中国,中国人的问题!这也许是美国人通过麦当劳的经营情况来了解现今的中国人,中国人的品性,从而采取对付中国的不同策略!

5 no.6 just saw the food safety problem of McDonald's on the computer, it is said to be May 13, 2024, the incident in China, not to say the specific location! China bought out McDonald's for decades, the problem is from China, the problem of the Chinese! This may be americans through the operation of McDonald's to understand the Chinese people, the character of the Chinese, so as to adopt different strategies to deal with China!

5 no.7 最虚伪的新闻媒介!新浪微博! 作为新闻媒介不应该限制人们对事物与问题的看法!这就是所谓的新闻自由!竟然打着新闻媒介招摇撞骗的新浪微博尽然说我有不良言语禁止找回密码?也对新浪微博吗?应该是“娱记”的平台自然我不应该去:)The most hypocritical media! Sina weibo! As a media, people should not restrict their views on things and problems! This is called press freedom! Sina weibo, which was swinked by the news media, said I had bad words to prohibit the retrieval of the password? Is it also for sina weibo? It should be a platform for entertainment memorynaturally I shouldn't go:)

5 no.8 今天去了豆瓣上说的中央美院的研究生毕业作品展,都了校门需要扫码进入,就没进去,回家了!这里边有几个点需要注意:一个是,毕业生作品的价值有多少?值得花钱去看吗?他们需要的是意见与建议而不是金钱!再有,金钱的去向?豆瓣的价格和实际的价格的出入在哪儿?差价的去向?还有一个就是,美术是直观的艺术通过技法进行表现!你为什么去美院学习?他们还那么贵?眼睛看,用线条表现,色彩也是直观的,你所需要的技法通过书籍与网络可以学习得到!你真的爱画画用得着去美院吗?(补充一个:我联系美院用的是非智能机,只能打电话和发短消息的那种!)有了最基本的你还要附加的扫码干嘛?你扫码丢掉的可能是最关键的!往往最基础的才是最珍贵的,比如素描与速写的功底是绘画的基础!)5 no.8 today went to the center academy of fine arts graduate work exhibition, the school door needs to scan code into, did not enter, went home! Here are a few points to note: one is, how much is the value of graduate work? Is it worth the money? What they need is advice and advice, not money! And where is the money? Where is the price of douban and the actual price? Where is the difference? Another is, art is intuitive art through techniques to perform! Why did you study in the academy? They're so expensive? Look at the eyes, with line line performance, color is also intuitive, you need the skills through books and the network can learn! Do you really love drawing and going to the academy? (add another: I contacted the academy for non-smart phones, can only call and text messages the kind! ) what do you have to add to the basic sweep? What you sweep the yard is probably the most critical! Often the most basic is the most precious, such as the sketch and sketch foundation is the foundation of painting! )

5 no.9 家里人必须让我再买一双鞋,说不能总穿一双,所以今天在淘宝购买,在购买过程中发现了一个问题,“买家秀发图片,不一定对销售有帮助,我就是看过两家的买家秀退了款,也可以说,“买家秀更加的真实!”或者说:“不会拍照片的买家毁了一个个的淘宝商家!”

5 no. 9 the family must let me buy another pair of shoes, said can not always wear a pair, so today in taobao to buy, in the purchase process, found a problem, "buyer show, send pictures, not necessarily sales help, I just saw two buyers show back, also can say," buyer show more real! "Or:" the buyers who won't take pictures destroyed a taobao merchant! "

5 no.10喝普洱茶不好!2024..5.19今天去了朝阳公园的茶文化节,商户让我体会一下普洱茶,喝了不到两小杯,听价格太贵,起身走了!听了一会儿北京的青年乐队唱歌!跑回家,感觉有些与以往不同!所以不建议大家选购,其实但凡让人上瘾的物质都不要尝试!因为他们和毒品有什么差别呢?5 no. 10 it's not good to drink pu-erh tea! Today, I went to the tea culture festival in chaoyang park. The merchant let me experience pu-erh tea. Drink less than two small cups, listen to the price is too expensive, get up and go! After listening to the young band singing in Beijing for a while! Running home feels a little different! So do not recommend everyone buy, in fact, any addictive substances do not try! Because what's the difference between them and drugs?

5 no.11 昨天去朝阳公园茶文化节体会普洱茶让人感到不好的一点是,讲解人员说“普洱茶原来就是云南当地人日常的饮品,从一开始的7毛钱涨到了现在的几万到几十万!这明显就是商业炒作的产物!不值得去体会与购买!再有这个茶文化节是北京市旅游局办的所有购买都需要扫码,有一位三里屯的商户因为在这次活动中没有销售被告知“你再卖不出去下次就不让你参加了!”我想:这个商户是没销售被告知,如果都有销售是不是还要看谁的销售多才可以参加下次的活动呢?因为扫码付款,销售趋势明显,商业机密袒露无疑!即使你销售再好人家下次不带你玩儿了!人家自己进货销售!5 no 11 yesterday to chaoyang park tea culture festival experience pu-erh tea let a person feel bad is, the person said, "pu-erh tea originally is the daily drink of yunnan locals, from the beginning of the 70 cents to the present tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands! This is obviously the product of commercial publicity! "I think: this merchant is no sales accused, if there is sales is to see whose sales more can participate in the next activity? Because sweep code payment, sales trend is obvious, trade secret is exposed without doubt!

5 no.12 中通快递真的很赞!以往一位快递员,他倒车的时候都是手推着没有倒车铃声,不扰民;现在来了一位新快递员,他们给残疾人就业的机会!5 no.12 ZTO Express is really awesome! In the past, a Courier, when he backed up, he pushed the hand without the reverse bell, not disturbing the people; Now here comes a new Courier, they give the disabled a chance to work!

5 no.13 这两天重新下载了央视影音,因为原来用着还可以,可是为什么现在投屏电视无法实现呢?已经发现设备了!证明一切顺利啊?优酷视频可以投屏很多年了!同样的操作!同样的流程?!是因为新出的央视频app,还是受到歌华有线电视的利益链影响?请大家思考一下:)不过,有一点我想提示我们的中国观众,特别是小朋友,如果同一个时间可以看电视娱乐,又可以学外语,你会选择这样吗?还是只看国产片?我的选择是既可以娱乐同时不放弃学习外语的机会!同样看新闻,看外语新闻既可以学习英语,又可以了解天下大事!你会选择只看中国新闻吗?我的选择是充分利用时间!5 no.13 Re-downloaded the CCTV video and audio these two days, because the original use is still OK, but why can not be realized now projection TV? The device has been found! Proof that everything went well? Youku video can be shown for many years! Same operation! The same process? ! Is it because of the new central video app, or is it affected by the interest chain of Gehua Cable TV? However, there is one point I would like to remind our Chinese audience, especially children, if you can watch TV entertainment at the same time and learn a foreign language, will you choose this? Or just watch domestic films? My choice is to have fun without giving up the opportunity to learn a foreign language! Also watch the news, read foreign language news can not only learn English, but also understand the world events! Would you choose to read only Chinese news? My choice is to make the most of my time!

5 no.14 微信真的是流氓,微信真的很危险!已经退出微信但是为什么还能收到消息?请中国人删除你们的微信,你们会过的更好!否则你们终身是努力!体验所得结果!5 no.14 wechat is really rogue, wechat is really dangerous! Have quit wechat but why can still receive messages? Please Chinese delete your wechat, you will be better off! Otherwise your life is hard work! Experience the results!

5 no.15关于录音广告推广问题!纯属骚扰电话!如果是人工来电由双方沟通的可能,是否有需求可以相互了解,如果没有意向双方就不会再联系,不会误工,也不会打扰!(这个想法来自于日常的电话沟通,最近的一次是网易课堂的近几天来电,我只是在有道词典里看到了一个课程,第一天他们就失约,没有告知,我退出了网易辞典!之后每天发短信。电脑录音来电!我对他们已经失去信心了!)5 no 15 about the sound advertising promotion problem! It's a nuisance phone! If it is possible for the human call to be communicated by both parties, whether there is a need to understand each other, if there is no intention of both parties will not contact, will not be delayed, will not disturb! (this idea comes from daily telephone communication, the most recent call of netease class in recent days, I just saw a course in youdao dictionary, the first day they broke up, did not tell, I quit the netease dictionary! Then text every day. Computer recording call! I've lost faith in them! )

5no.16看《谍影重重》等类似的影片,感觉到他们所需要的不是有能力的特工人员,而是需要没有思想没有爱心的傀儡与杀人机器!如果你正处在这一职位你会如何做呢?Watching films like the bourne ultima and feeling that what they need is not competent agents, but puppets and killing machines without thoughts and love! What would you do if you were in this position?

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