Think about 思考

The page contains some of my ideas, which you may not se in some social media posts. I am willing to communicate with others, which is very important! Ideas may be to a person, or a time, or seem a little... But... Hope to meet like-minded you. 

Thinking about 思考
2024.4 全新改版,每月初期敬请关注
2024.4 New revision, monthly initial attention!

2024.5.1-5.31 2024.4.1 - 4.30

 2024.3.1 - 3.31

敬请期待! Stay Tuned!













4 no.17 如果我们爱我们的国家,就更应该学好英语,与世界各国的朋友建立友谊!4 no. 17 If we are love my country,  must be study English, established friendships with this world every country!

4 no.16 您好,我是从RY Miller 的邮件找到您的(电影《绿色地带》1:44:10-1:44:20)我不知道是否真实,只是想试试看,如果是真的或许我们会成为朋友,如果您是用金钱来衡量新闻的,或许我找错人了,如果您对新闻有着另一种情怀,如果来北京我们可以坐下来好好聊一聊:)4 no. 16 hello, I found you from ry miller's email (movie green zone 1:44:10-1:44:20) I don't know if it is real, just want to try, if it is true maybe we will become friends, if you are using money to weigh the news, maybe I have the wrong person, if you have another kind of feelings about the news, if you come to Beijing we can sit down to have a good chat:)

4 no.15 2024.4.22不是说中国的科技发达了,技术发展得很迅速吗?看看各位私家车的车前大灯,亮的不能再亮了,就是白天也都开着!我们的能源过剩啊:)不耗尽了,都不能叫:毁灭地球的中国人!那为什么车尾的号牌灯那么的微弱?我们中国人是特工!:)不能让任何人追踪到我们的行踪:)”Isn't that that China's science and technology are developing rapidly? Look at the headlights in front of your private car, which can't be turned on again, even during the day is on! Our energy surplus:) can't be called "the Chinese who destroyed the earth" So why is the signal light at the back so weak? "We Chinese are agents:) can't let anyone track our whereabouts."

4 no.14 2024.4.21 香水促销方案


夏季将至,香水与香体露的热销季即将到来!利用地铁的有利地形,在不同时段喷洒不同香型与适用人群的香水或者香体露,特别是清爽型的或许更为合适,有了体验就会促进消费,是推广品牌与销售的良好时机!(注意过敏人群)4 no.14 2024.4.21 perfume promotion plan  Summer is coming, perfume and body dew hot season is coming! Take advantage of the favorable terrain of subway, spray the perfume of different fragrance type and applicable crowd in different time period or perfume body dew, especially clear type may be more appropriate, have experience can promote consumption, is a good opportunity to promote brand and sales! (pay attention to allergic people)

4 no.13 2024.4.21上朝时段,群臣向皇帝进谏,每位官员都手拿硕大手机,照本宣科的诵读,皇上都快睡着了,这时有位官员,手里的谏言板非常的小(小手机),用心进谏!诉说百姓心声!皇上大喜,如我朝纲群臣都像爱卿如此体恤民情,和愁外邦之敌!我国民定可常乐安生!何愁内悠与外患亦!”4 no 13 2024.4.21 upper dynasty period, the officials to the emperor remonstrate, each official holding a large mobile phone, according to the book of reading, the emperor is almost asleep, at this time an official, the hand of the voice board very small (small hand machine), heart remonstrate! Speak the voice of the people! The emperor big xi, "as my ministers are like the love qing so compassionate people, and worry about the enemy of the foreign states!

4 no. 122024.4.19 今天下午去了建外的食品药品监督管理局,就是在大望路桥的西南角往南一点,鱼头泡饼店的北边的那个,他们也办理不了没有检测的地点与项目,让我去路北边的万达广场5号楼和三号楼,没去5号号楼去了三号楼那里在一层临街,同样没有检测的办法!偌大个北京,偌大个城市,所谓先进国家的首都,竟然只抓金钱!没有民生服务:)如此国,指日可待:)4 no. 122024.4.19 I went to the Jianwai Food and Drug Administration this afternoon, which is a little south of the southwest corner of Dawanglu Bridge and the one north of the Fish Head Bubble Cake Shop. They can't handle the sites and projects without testing, so I was asked to go to Building 5 and 3 of Wanda Plaza on the north side of the road. Instead of Building 5, he went to Building 3, which is on the first floor of the street, and there is no way to test it! Such a big Beijing, such a big city, the capital of the so-called advanced countries, is only grasping money! No livelihood services:) Such a country, will be die:)

4 no.11 2024.4.18 去了朝阳公园,看到书市从419日到29日举办,没有以往的规模大,多是旧书,最古老的一套57年的《大众电影》是800元,还有一些艺术方面的图书!应该值得去看看,但是一定要戴口罩,因为有些书记的年代久远,难免有霉菌等细菌!说的那套《大众电影》套刊来自潘家园旧货市场!2024.4.18 Went to Chaoyang Park and saw that the book market was held from April 19 to 29, not as large as before, mostly old books, the oldest set of 57 years of "popular movies" journal is 800 yuan, and there are some art books! It should be worth going to see, but be sure to wear a mask, because some secretaries are very old, it is inevitable that there are bacteria such as mold! That set of "popular movies" from the Panjiayuan flea market!

4. no. 10 最好的农展会应该是乡村的集市


我会为这一小瓶种子的检测继续想办法!The best peasant fair should be the village fair  This agricultural topic comes from the need to test a small bottle of millet, went to the department of agriculture business hall, went to the east campus of agricultural university without results! The ministry of agriculture told me to go to the agricultural bureau, today call the agricultural bureau phone, shift the computer official answer, always have no result! Imagine if I were a Chinese farmer, how hard it is to find the so-called Chinese government to do something!  I will continue to find a way to test this small bottle of seeds!

4 no. 9 关于品牌与商标以及市场推广


但是现在看到网上有很多去除logo的软件以及 app的推广广告!这是在向我们的国策叫板吗!:)还是我们的国策就是这么制定的!?About brands and trademarks and marketing  Advocate brand autonomy, in the promotion aspect of each enterprise, even individual brand call into the brainpower, try a variety of ways to promote!  But now you see a lot of logo removal software and app promotion advertising! Is this a challenge to our national policy! Is that how our national policy is formulated?

4. no. 8 从中国的城市废品回收看垃圾分类






请您(普通人,市政管理者,国家领导人)关注这些人群,关注这一事件!让中国的来及分类能够成功实施!让中国人能够整整能有两后的生活!Urban recycling in China looks at garbage classification  China has come and classified for so many years, why not? It's just a form! Are the Chinese really so stupid?  In fact, it is not, the key is the quality of life and social security, people's life "the bottom of the society" people's life is not enough to eat and eat the point! They need to "make a living!  And the society also provides them with this kind of resources and convenience to make a living! Imagine that not far from the sorting dustbin is a recycling car, whether the long-lost recycling car brings beauty and pollution to the streets of the city, can it be successful to ask and classify recycling? Anyway, what I see is our community and the recyclers are sorting the trash themselves in the back seat of their garbage driver! The old woman who took the trouble is stationed beside the trash can all year round! No winter start summer is like this!  Do they really want to be such a king if they live well?  On the other hand, if the city's streets were cancelled and recycled cars, would they be cut off from some of their sources of living? What about their life?  Please (ordinary people, municipal managers, national leaders) pay attention to these people, pay attention to this incident! Let China come and classification can be successfully implemented! Let the Chinese people can have a full two life!

4 no. 7 拿起毛笔书写中国文字,发扬国学,这是现在中国社会提倡的举动!可是现代的中文教育从小学开始模块式的教育就与这背道而驰!例如:笔顺,就是中文文字的书写顺序!试看除了楷书以外,还有那些书法形式按照笔顺去书写呢?行楷与草书更是笔顺变化莫测!或许就是因为中国的古人没有受到这些条条框框的束缚才能书写出这些精彩美妙的文字!Take the pen to write the Chinese language, carry forward the Chinese study, this is now the Chinese society advocate the action! But the modern Chinese education from the beginning of primary learning module education and this opposite! For example: stroke order, is the order of writing Chinese characters! Try to see that in addition to Kaishu, what other calligraphy forms are written according to stroke order? In addition to regular script, what other forms of calligraphy are written according to the order of strokes?Xingkai and cursive is more unpredictable! Perhaps it is because the ancients in China were not bound by these rules to write these wonderful words!

4 no. 6 有几年没有使用微信了,这次登陆原本想删除但是被拒绝,这或许是一件好事,还可以看看以往的朋友在做什么,而且还让我有了更大的惊喜与发现!原来加入黑名单的人,我居然有90%以上不认识!不知道沉默在你的微信好友中有多少是你不曾认识的人,或是使用你朋友的名义进入你的好友中不曾发言的陌生人呢?Have not used wechat for a few years, this landing originally wanted to delete but was rejected, this may be a good thing, but also to see what friends in the past are doing, but also let me have a greater surprise and discovery! I don't know more than 90% of the people who joined the blacklist! Do not know how many of your wechat friends are people you do not know, or strangers who use your friend's name to enter your friends without speaking?

4 no. 5 2024414日,今天我又去了北京朝阳区的甜水园图书文化港,就是原来的图书批发市场,没事儿就是转转:)看到卖给小朋友的英文刊物还分年级?我就问卖书的服务人员:请问您每天说话,用几年级的中文啊?在场听到的人愣了一下,都笑了:)On April 14, 2024, today, I went to the book culture port of sweet water park in chaoyang district, Beijing, which was the original book wholesale market. I asked the service staff of selling books: "Excuse me, you speak every day, use the Chinese of a few years level course? The people who heard it were stunned and laughed:)

4 no. 4 听着窗外请注意倒车的快递车提示音,打破小区的宁静,当你为了维护他们的工作发善心不提及具体小区给95338拨打电话提示他们快递要进小区关闭提示音,无果后!






Listen to the window "please pay attention to reverse" express car prompt sound, break the quiet of the community, when you in order to maintain their work without mentioning the specific community call 95338 call to remind them to express to close the voice of the community, no results!  But when you see out-of-town vehicles in the community that have been stagnant for a long time without moving the location!  When you see someone recycling an expired phone or other electronic device staying under your window!  When the network provider gives you a modem or the "cat cat" on the Internet, it has wi-fifis, not to be turned off, only wired devices to connect to a computer is not available!  Why is the door of newspaper and other concerned unit is express pick place? Why can't express go in?  You, ordinary Chinese, Chinese residents, what would you think?

4 no. 3 中国人有着属于自己的道德标准,这一点体现在我购买了李小龙的《截拳道之道》一书,上了年纪的人纷纷议论:都是踢裆插眼!对这一点很是鄙视!武术在练习与攻击时可以击败对手,但是不可以造成不可弥补的后果!是中国习武之人以及中国人的厚道之处!

The Chinese have their own moral standards, which is shown in my purchase of Bruce lee's "the way of jeet kune do", and the elderly people are talking about "all kicking the crockles in the eye." This is very despised! Martial arts can defeat opponents in practice and attack, but not to cause irreparable consequences! Is the Chinese martial arts people and the Chinese people's kindness!

4 no.2 一本本硬笔书法字贴的出版,强烈的抨击中国应试教育束缚人们思想的罪证!The publication of the hard pen calligraphy post, strongly attacked the Chinese exam-oriented education to restrict people's thought evidence!

4 no.1 331日收到了在淘宝购买的百合花20个(原本他们说要41日才能送到,可就在我们去了花卉市场买小鱼,收到了花到了的短信息),知道了百合花在淘宝是按花朵数算的,和花店按支算是不一样的!我没有选择有顺丰快递标志的店购买。收到花后我给503阿姨家了十个,表示对他们购买了601房间并且装修入住表示祝贺!也希望能看一下他们新装修还的房间是什么样子的!可是这两天顺丰快递车肆无忌惮的在小区鸣笛乱窜,真的不好!希望大家不要只关注品牌,企业形式,而应关注他们是否有爱!不打扰小区住户是快递行业最应注意的事情!媒体报道要体谅快递小哥的辛苦!可他们是在挣钱,他们并不是在做义工!


On March 31 received 20 lilies purchased in taobao (originally they said to be sent on April 1, but we went to the flower market to buy small fish, received the flower SMS message message), know lily in taobao is counting by flowers, and flower store by branch is of different kind! I didn't choose a store with sf express logo. After receiving the flowers, I gave 503 aunt's house ten, expressed their purchase of room 601 and decoration to show congratulations! I also hope to see what kind of room they have newly repaired! But these two days shun feng express car unbridled in the community horn everywhere, really bad! Hope you don't just focus on the brand, the corporate form, but should pay attention to whether they have love! Do not disturb the community residents is the express industry should pay attention to the most! Media reports to understand the delivery of small brother hard! But they're making money. They're not volunteering!  Express eliminated a brick-and-mortar store, deprived a lot of people of employment and job opportunities! If they still destroy our quiet community life, should we destroy them? 

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