Think about 思考

The page contains some of my ideas, which you may not se in some social media posts. I am willing to communicate with others, which is very important! Ideas may be to a person, or a time, or seem a little... But... Hope to meet like-minded you. I still like to take photos, have time to contact!

<<<<<< 2022.12           2022.11.1 Thought                       2022.10.8-10.31 More>>>>>>>>>>








其实这次登陆招聘网站真实的目的是删除资料,退出使用,但是boss直聘网站提示需要手机登录 app才能注销!app狗屁逻辑!



Does our country, our national policy, really attach importance to environmental protection? This question comes from, read a comment in zhihe, said that in order to get rid of the technical restrictions of qualcomm in the United States, launched 5g business, and gradually ended the cdma business, if without the cdma business, why should our users stick to China telecom, in order to follow the cdma business abandoned unicom, followed telecom, if I adhere to the environmental protection in the telecom, return to China unicom or like the family use China mobile? I think the final decision may give up all the business of mobile communications and be an environmentalist without any mobile devices! Stick to one person, if this road is right, I will stick to it, don't look back! () [green car is green, fuel car is blue, China telecom logo is blue, I can think it is not green? The reason to give up on him is because it is not environmentally friendly! This reason is very simple also very full! 















Every day I learned a foreign language, and I heard outside Shouting, "XI m’en, Simon! This is in the early hours of the morning, what does it mean if it happens every time! Don't ask me "why?" I can only say that this kind of behavior is extremely stupid and ridiculous, and let a person feel Chinese pitiful! Don't say I don't love the country, because I added the word "China" to the front sentence "pity! In fact, if you think about it, there are a lot of patriotic people because of their hard-hitting words and firm patriotic behavior, and the real society of injustice and dissatisfaction, forced, was driven out of China! May everything be understood, may everything be all right! I wish the Chinese people would wake up, I wish... In fact, some words are endless... 2022.11.11 in the morning 


其实我想要的英文书籍是这样的!In fact, the English books I want are like this!一句以翻译。A sentence to translate.中文英文相互对应,最好是单词也可以相互对应!Chinese and English correspond to each other, preferably the words can also correspond to each other!因为我想的是,这样才可以了解外国人的语言逻辑顺序,Because what I'm thinking is that you can understand the logical order of foreigners,这是在没有更多外语语言环境下的一种学习方法,This is a way of learning without more foreign languages,


"The smart phone is a rogue! Although science and technology is developing, but the human moral bottom line is in day by day to the bottom of the bottom! Strangers approach you by the side of the road, don't say hello, don't look up, stare at the machine, sometimes you ignore him (she) they want to put into your "arms!  A Courier, with their smart devices, walks to your door, locates, and explores your wi-fi and your phone network!  There is no privacy in the world! Not just like the movie eavesdropping! Smartphones are stealing all human data! The smartphone monitors someone's health! Like the movie fast and furious when you don't use value, it ends someone's life with a smart device!  These words come from the delivery of the Courier near 9 o 'clock in the evening. The elder brother is still delivering the express. The Courier enters my home cell phone is turned off, and the reminder appears in the picture when the wifi is turned off:  Because I cancelled an account on alibaba website, my company was called Beijing pop ray culture communication account, the company has been written off for a long time, but the company's address is in zhejiang, this is more strange! Account id is the original individual is not very good time to register occasionally, used in the company's account! However, the account often used now is given by alibaba without my consent. My original account id is consistent with my website domain name, but I don't know where!  In order to return to our tired world, please stay away from artificial intelligence devices, do not use smartphones! The so-called yq" will be right over! We've tried, things are bad, we don't use it not backwards, but progress! (add a sentence: express not I buy! I don't shop online for a long time!


Today, I contacted two model companies. One sent an email, one made a phone call, and after four prompts, "the number you dialed cannot be connected:) However, I called the third house and sent my intention of cooperation. I believe there will be a good start:)


2022.11.1 又接到银行贷款的电话,他们是我最好的朋友,没有吝啬一毛一的友情:)其实扫码禁止了很多社交,减少了真实社会的社交,告诉你一个秘密,留住钱别在网络上乱花,当不用扫码的那天,才是经济真实崛起的时候!:)


2022.11.1 I received a call from the bank loan again, they are my best friends, no stingy friendship :) In fact, scanning the code prohibits a lot of social interaction, reduces the social interaction of the real society, tells you a secret, keep the money and don't spend it on the Internet, when you don't need to scan the code, it is the real rise of the economy! :) What impressed me the most about this kind of economic problem was the experience of buying the Global Times at the newsstand on July 22, 2022, when I gave the old lady who sold the newspaper two dollar banknotes, and the old lady actually cried out in amazement! "How long has it been since I received the money?!" Yes, it's the front page: Biden released a signal on "Pelosi's visit to Taiwan" that issue!




Turn down your resolutions and leave the of extinction of the dinosaurs, you will see different wonderful word!

this is for those who seek to be big and expensive) ————Li shuo hao 

当我写这些文字在notes时,Apple手机显示!This accessory may not be supported. Dismiss:)



Calvin Lee硕濠 


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