Think about 思考

The page contains some of my ideas, which you may not se in some social media posts. I am willing to communicate with others, which is very important! Ideas may be to a person, or a time, or seem a little... But... Hope to meet like-minded you. I still like to take photos, have time to contact!


  2022.10 Thought  

2022.9 and 8 More>>>>


Today is said to be Halloween, I really don't know how to celebrate :) Where to play? Still play alone at home :) but be sure to go out in the afternoon it is a must :) the last day of the month wish my friends happy:









Go to purple light garden to buy white chicken, I pay for the change to take a few hair, the waiter said you this is two fifty hair! Wow! I don't know if five hairs have silver! Come back and look at it in 2019! By 2022, I only know that 50 cents has silver!  This matter came back to the family said, also know for the first time there is a 5 cent silver yuan issued! Hello! I'm in China, in Beijing! Ha ha: ha ha:) is ridiculous! Still sad thing! :) This incident reveals that the mainstream news media is weakening! People are using less real money!  Imagine: anti-corruption storm, is in the anti-real corruption corruption! Or corruption in the virtual world? If corruption becomes virtual? Are you back? Corruption and corruption are nothing more than a matter of Numbers! Numbers in the virtual world random tamper, random transformation! How much do people still have to distinguish between good and bad?  If the current wechat, alipay, and other digital payment and storage methods exist, is to make up for the once financial loopholes! When it exits, the most loss is ordinary people!  Get up! Wake up! And several word promotion way, scan code security said goodbye!


Why should god test Abraham if he could? <<BIBLE>> Genesis 22 




The feeling of the previous two days was not written in notes, directly written to the page, the night before and yesterday PC computer can not be on, maybe notes" miss me:)


Yesterday in the browser search Li Ning brand on the design similar to the Japanese military uniform style was punished news, as if there have been reports in the past. The development of smart devices, the lack of news, and the blocking of news lead to the lack of news from news organizations, which can only be broadcasted in a rolling loop. This is not a special case, the same is true for Sina and Sina Weibo, it seems that there is no better news to broadcast! In fact, as a person who goes out without smart devices within a radius of 5 kilometers, I can feel the social changes and the endless emergence of news every day!


  说到5公里半径的活动范围,还要补充,"不消费"这个敏感词,一个人不消费,十个人不消费,乃至更多的不可计的人不消费,会导致什么社会问题? 在人类社会不交流会导致什么问题? 问题是,这个现今的中国社会尊重公民的权利与自由了吗? 我不是用智能设备,我不去进行核算检测这种机器人的"检修"活动! 就连去公共场所厕所的权利都要受到限制!?:)真是可笑,或许是和法国世界杯接轨把?听说法国人就在大街上小便:) 无论如何提示:我的手机是24小时开机的无论你在世界各地都能联系到我!有邮件我是必定回复的!如果我无法接听,或不回复,那一定是这个社会有问题:)愿一切都好起来:)

What are the problems caused by lack of communication in human society? The question is, does today's Chinese society respect the rights and freedoms of its citizens? I am not using intelligent equipment, I do not go to the accounting test this kind of robot "overhaul" activity! Even the right to go to the toilet in public places is restricted! ? :) That's ridiculous. Maybe it's in line with the World Cup in France? I heard that French people pee in the street :) anyway tip: My mobile phone is on 24 hours a day no matter where you are in the world can reach me! I will reply to any email! If I can't answer, or don't reply, there must be something wrong with society :) May everything be better :)





Just read about Li Ning's apology on the Internet very indignant! It feels so pathetic how Chinese think! A new clothing brand can arouse so many associations! No wonder I didn't find any clues when I searched Taobao for Japanese military hats when summer came. Great shade product! Good things should be used for reference, in order to have better development and progress! We can't dwell on past hatred!

Make it clear that I like the design of the Japanese military cap can cover the forehead in front and protect the arms in the back!

Also, the so-called apology on Li Ning online shows the mind of a world champion! From this fall, we will support Li-Ning again to buy our own brand!




The question of reading the bible is that god made Adam, eve, Adam was a semi-finished product, because Abraham was not circumcised until he was 99 years old. Why didn't you create a man who was circumcised? On the other hand, uncircumcised men are perfect, that's god's original idea!

The other day(2022.10.23), I said that there was no place for the crowd dancing in the square in front of the county palace to go to the toilet. Men and women were urinating by the river beside the river. Today, I tried for a while. :) or simple Mongolian battalion is better, others also need to sweep the code, but heard did not wear the hand machine allowed to use the toilet! :)



2022.10.23 现在说集团,有很多的公司,个人组建集团,这是个洗钱,挣钱的好机会,你可以不会干任何事,投资一部电影就可以了,可以挣钱,你平时只要玩儿就可以了,到时候等着分红就可以!发展影视事业:)

Now say group, there are a lot of companies, individuals, formed a group, this is a good opportunity to money laundering, you can not do anything, invest a movie, you can make money, you just play at ordinary times, wait for dividends can! "Development of film and television:"


2022.10.18Seach from the internet "the masses and the 20th national congress of the communist part of China communication way, the result is disappointing, not one!

2022.10.18今天的鼓楼大街格外的"清静":)什刹海的景也清,水也静!Today's Gulou Street is particularly quiet:) Shichahai is also clear, the wateris also quiet!






The resolution of the computer monitor has been lowered. I have seen different kinds of beauty on weibo. The resolution is big, the image is small, as if the beauty is away from us!  The image is small, but also saves traffic, and saves expenses!  Therefore, I think that if the existing technology level, environmental protection models can reduce the load, do light, small car, travel distance will be farther, and the acquisition of light energy, heat, wind energy, and other power energy will be easier to use as a means of transportation energy!  Light and small environmental protection models, limited volume, weight, specifications, and as the only private car type in the city (for example, only environmental protection models can drive within the sixth ring road in Beijing, other energy vehicles, such as: gasoline, diesel, cars can only be used outside the sixth ring road! I believe it will help the city's environmental protection greatly! And it will be of great help to our earth! Love our earth, our home) Besides expand similarity: what is in reducing negative, actually person body also should reduce negative, the child of Beijing grows bigger, it is said to be McDonald's food to give up! Would it be more reasonable to charge for a bus by weight and volume than by height alone? Because the car is measured by deadweight:)

2022.10.16今天又看到《圣经》创世纪的11:6,7 感觉耶和华有些让人不解,他怕人类强大,他没有奴仆(或是崇拜者),所以让人类的语言不统一!因为创世纪11:1中说了,在洪水过后,就是诺亚方舟救完人和动物,鸽子叼回橄榄枝之后,诺亚的三个儿子在地上分为邦国,那时人的语言还是统一的!这又让我想起前面说蛇狡猾让夏娃吃分辨善恶树上的果子(创世纪3:4-7)其实也是让人摆脱耶和华的束缚!好像蛇是好的!《圣经》到底是一本什么样的书?还需要再次的学习与衡量!

Today we see genesis 11:6, 7 The feeling of the Lord is a little puzzling, he is afraid of the power of men, he has no slaves (or admirers), so let the language of mankind not be unified! Because genesis 11:1 says, after the flood, Noah's ark saved the perfect man and the animal, and the dove brought back the olive branch, and Noah's three sons were divided into nations on the earth. This reminds me of the fact that the snake was cunning and let eve eat the fruit of the tree that discernibles good and evil (genesis 3:4-7),which is actually a way to free people from the bondage of Lord! As if a snake is good! What kind of book is the bible? Need to learn and measure again!


I saw and heard something today. I saw two things in prefectures, one is a Mr. Northeast (heard that know) in the landscape green pee, afterwards I told him that Beijing for many years accommodation regulations roadside shops and business offices are free to provide public toilets can be used, such as prefectures and Mongolian daying should provide external toilets can be used; Then there was a lady dancing square to the river, watch the action I turned! Hope to publicize the notice, and personnel consciously maintain social environmental health, the green space outside the county palace is being rebuilt, hope to add public test or add public toilet sign! Israel to walk! This is seen; What I heard was that people on the four Bridges were holding banners and lighting a parade, I want to give my opinion and pull a banner, lighting a fire is not necessary, also hope that people can really be solved, "people do nothing small." When the people's affairs are settled, the country will be settled! If the people love you this country is the enemy has occupied the Forbidden City (this is the same as the king) it doesn't matter! China is still China! They said the domestic media did not report, is over the wall, from the foreign media see the report! In fact, this kind of event, do not have to hide, afraid of people to follow! We should be bold to broadcast in domestic media, and continue to report, show the government's ability to solve the problem, show the perfect solution of the problem! This can establish a good image of the country more!


I received this message in the morning, "after a box of fresh horse delivery, I bought XieTingFeng’s sausage! This sentence scared me a jump, "I don't know Nicholas can you be well? Intestines was box horse fresh to sell." ? Then I laughed for a long time and feel the beauty and pleasure of Chinese:) I took this picture!




About drinking water: the most basic and necessary of our ordinary People's Daily life is water! Beijing, after the south-north water diversion, the water fee rises and the step charge! But the water quality is getting worse! Said to the common people, want to have good water, you go downstairs charge water cooler dozen! Someone did! But have you ever wondered where the filtered water has gone? Did you go to the sewage pipe? Should not, still back to the water pipe! The water company has done this "save water! This charge water dispenser, solve the common people's dissatisfaction with water quality; Increase revenue for water companies; Solved the overall transformation of water quality problem! It's torn up! And the people were reclassified from drinking water:) Say the problem, thoroughly clean up the water pipe line and the system is a way to solve the problem! (I'm not an expert on this, I can only understand it here, so far.)

But I have a solution to the water quality problem, is: whether you are a traditional water burner, induction cooker, or hot water machine, as long as the regular cleaning, water burner, the water quality will be improved!


I only learned yesterday that Jackie chan was originally born in 1954. I have been calling Jackie chan brother after the media for so many years. In fact, I should call him uncle Jackie:) the original media people in China are so old? :)

2022.10.10这些天不知道怎么了,总有一些想法,今天做了Smile Studio的logo设计!真的很奇怪:)I don't know what's wrong these days. I always have some ideas. Today, I made the logo design of Smile Studio! It was really weird :)


2022.10.9Designed a logo because I saw it again yesterday, ZiDan Zhen's movie:)


2022.10.2Becase of all the time, I have been shooting arrow, so I designed logo with my mobile phone number. I wonder which one would you feel better?



2022.10.8 today to work time again, see from the 7th again there are so many people to "devil's turret" change "pass", but the person is obviously less than before a lot! (just to beat the metaphor, without harming a country or people)



I just wrote a notes when I called back with a blank number! Say our country is so strong, so technologically advanced! But the fake phone number harassing people is never controlled! The reality and the virtual can't control the country, still stable? Don't say "you go to wechat" because that more insecure! A country can't give people communication security! If the state USES taxpayers' money to buy high-tech products to monitor the people, then he is no longer alive!


If he helps the regime block the voice, he (she) it is guilty! If the regime does well, it is not afraid to listen to the popular voice! Not afraid of the shadow crooked, this is a Chinese old saying! If there is a voice of the people, that is a good thing, because everyone still want to have hope, the most afraid is there is no voice of the people, people do their own, just for their own sake to go, the country will no longer exist, the people will turn for the walking corpse beast!


Calvin Lee硕濠 


摄影 李硕濠
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