Think about 思考

The page contains some of my ideas, which you may not se in some social media posts. I am willing to communicate with others, which is very important! Ideas may be to a person, or a time, or seem a little... But... Hope to meet like-minded you. I still like to take photos, have time to contact!

<<<<<<<<2022.9 and 8        2022.7.1-7.31 Thought                   More>>>>>>>>>>

2022.7.31It is important to manage the country to respect public opinion, but watching Chen kun's film <<Zhong Kui>> that public opinion is not necessarily right!










2022.7.28Bus pass, mobile bus payment is better than cash payment, this is not right!
Mobile payment is better than cash payment, is not right!
These are forced promotion and overlord clauses! It's not right!
If I am a poor man, you are a senior official, I do not have a mobile phone, you have, you began to plunder the people for yourself!
Electronic payment, not to mention counterfeit money, (inflation control with electronic payment will be irreparable harm, when you are out of office, who will clean up your mess?) If you can't make money and control the counterfeiting epidemic, don't be in power, get out of power!
The Parades Act should be outlawed. Why do people march? Only when the government does nothing and the people can't fix it! So the Parade Act doesn't make sense! It should be outlawed! If the Parade Act is enforced, it is tyranny!
There should be no one party rule! That is the beginning of corruption! Why build houses and roads when you let people bid on them?! Isn't running a country the same? Who manages the good people who support! Can stay in office! If you can't manage it, you will step down! Don't be a dog in the manger! (Like the project bidding, promise to do something during the government for the people, for the country, do well we continue to support you to do, do not do well on the step down, no say, who can do well who will do it!)





On July 27, 2022, due to the water in the home, went to KFC for lunch at noon, does not require scan code, actually originally wants to go to the house of yoshino, but eventually chose to KFC, standing in the counter and watching the rolling screen, always do not know what, it is not very hungry, 2 it is not corresponding to the image and name, so I don't know what to choose, In fact, it is not as good as the paper posters of more than ten years ago! Plain and simple! Finally, the waiter walked out of the counter and looked at the picture I pointed to before he knew the name of the product and ordered the food!

The largest hamburger in the picture, brought me a small box, opened the box inside a beautiful wax paper wrapped in a small hamburger! To eat into his mouth and delicious chicken chicken, but burger is raw, like Kentucky Fried chicken, skin is raw, in fact, originally want to eat this, when long ago has just launched a television advertising is at that time, but it is just because of the raw, so avoid this time didn't avoid raw point Hamburg:) the waiter know that's going to rain that day, nine Jane juice special sweet for me! Makes me run home in the rain and not feel cold at all:)

Once KFC at the entrance and exit, a lot of people sat inside, looking at a lot of guests; Yoshino home in the underground good big shop, as if no one to go. But they become the same size of the adjacent two shops, Yoshinoya seems to be overcrowded, customers have to wait for seats, customer choice shows that Chinese people still like to eat Oriental food. The quality of the food determines whether the guests stay or go.

(Plus: Both are fast food. Which is greener to eat in? ! I think we all know!)



是这样的:在某购物App想购买非智能CDMA手机产品,问商家几天能到货,商家说2-3天,没问题,可是屏幕最下字母提示疫情期间会展缓(那就是不确定了!)和商家说在这期间手机是否会在运输途中被改装?)商家回答 (不会,、)但就这几最后的两个符号告诉了我,我的判断是正确的!

On July 26, 2022 a online consulting (when two words need to change the input consulting, phone the delete button doesn't work, past experience's official website, adopt the flight mode, normal now, to will transform your position, as far as possible from the problem point) went on to say: I confirmed before judgment is true: can't buy mobile phones online!

It is like this: in a shopping App, I want to buy non-smart CDMA mobile phone products. I asked the merchant how long it will take for the products to arrive. The merchant said 2-3 days, which is no problem, but the letter at the bottom of the screen indicates that it will be delayed during the epidemic. Will the phone be modified in transit during this period? Business ANSWER (NO,,) BUT these last two symbols told me, my judgment is correct!



When I read the article titled "British media: US quietly investigating Huawei" in the background of Page 3 of the Global Times on July 22, 2022, I was reminded of my experiences and opinions: 1. I use telecom CDMA version of Huawei non-smart machine even when walking on the side of the road to install China Mobile software update for me, when I pulled out the cell phone battery, this is 200 years ago! 2. Why did China Telecom buy All Netcom instead of their independent cdma mobile phone product? 3.CDMA technology is a product of Qualcomm. So there is nothing wrong with the US investigating China's Huawei!



When I read the article "Drinkable fountain reduces plastic in Venice" on the fifth page of the Global Times on July 22, 2022, I thought of a foreign art film once broadcast by CCTV Channel 6, the name of which is hard to remember. It tells that people put free water, which was originally necessary for the life of the earth, into bottles for money and profit! Finally people realized what the problem was and stopped using bottled water!






When you read the "news desert" in the July 22 issue of Global Times, a civic crisis? The message mentions "... Especially in rural and low-income communities, people are losing access to relevant, trustworthy news..." When, is I feel that if I do not have the mobile phone Internet function of the traffic, only a non-smart phone, can only make phone calls, then I will be excluded from Chinese society, not I separated from society, but society abandoned me! As for the Chinese news media has reported that European countries abandon the poor, the practice is the same!

What needs to change immediately is that the mobile phone scanning code electronic payment is intended to change the global economic model behavior! Expose the lies of the global "epidemic"! Let the public really come back to real life!

Not being able to travel because you don't scan the code is a total deprivation of human rights! It's a real act of violent rule!

"The birds of the air and the beasts of the earth are not infected! A virus from the military Games! The Chinese Communist Party media reported that Wuhan, China, managed the epidemic that the United States could not control for a long time in a month!" Is there really a virus? The cause of the virus seems to have been found! If there is an outbreak:)







2022.7.5Tip: I want to use Weibo as a tool to promote myself! To promote their own photography, as well as publish their own views on some modern things! Therefore, only "lishuohao" and pinyin "Lishuohao" are used as the title and domain name of Weibo!

In fact, since the platform is opened, we should let everyone speak freely, but should not make restrictions! Otherwise will cause a threat to social stability! And the rulers can also understand the situation of the people through these words, find the needs of the people, the people's urgent! Thus solve the urgent people! For what it needs! So as to gain the country too people an!

When you read my micro blog, photography works and current affairs problems appear alternately. I hope you will like my micro blog and tell it to your friends! Thank you very much!

By the way, the biggest irony is that I am a customer of China Telecom, using China Mobile Wi-Fi!


2022.7.1这些天买了两只左轮手枪,一款是“小月亮”,一款是”Sky Marshal”。

先说说购买过程的奇特,我在同一家买的,本来是在“乖巧虎”选了一款M92和“小月亮”。原本看记录两款是同时发货,但是商家说“乖巧虎”不可以发射,只可以感应方式让目标响应,所以就换成了这家店销售的“Sky Marshal”。




再说说:“Sky Marshal”:制作精良是它的特性!真的是让人爱不释手!而且枪的发射模仿点针击打子弹底部!只是子弹好像与枪不配套,不是一个级别的产品!它的发射是靠蛋壳内的弹簧弹射出去的!所以射程在5到6米,有效射程在3米左右,由于动力是蛋壳内的弹簧发力所以射程不稳,准确性在近距离内相对来说还可以!

相比之下这两款的射程与准确率都不敌老款的98K以及AK-47!Ak-177手枪中也是相当准的! 补充一下:现在是2022.10.10 “Sky Marshal”的子弹只有5颗可以用了,因为蛋壳内的弹簧问题,小月亮的弹夹被我改装了,原本六颗8毫米的,被我改装成6毫米的,可以和98k共享子弹了:)射程更精确:)

2022.7.1These days I bought two revolvers, one is "Little Moon", one is "Sky Marshal".

Say WHAT BUY A PROCESS FIRST PECULIAR, I BUY IN THE SAME HOUSE, BE IN ORIGINALLY "CLEVER TIGER" CHOSE A M92 AND "SMALL MOON". Originally, it was recorded that the two models were delivered at the same time, but the merchant said that the "clever tiger" could not be launched and could only be induced to make the target respond, so it was changed to the "Sky Marshal" sold by this store.

But the strange thing is that although the same purchase should be delivered at the same time, the original display is also like this, but the next day to see it is not the same, into a one after two days of delivery! Must be business and express good relationship, freight need not worry! :)) so divided into two days to receive the goods.

Talk about the product: The first received is the "small moon" box damaged! I have rejected many items because of broken packaging! But people say to understand the hard work of express delivery! Express is not a reason to damage the goods! Because that's what they do. Busy? If only more people could be given jobs! Not express more than let customers go downstairs to pick up, you don't go upstairs! Is the Courier fee given by the business divided between home and downstairs? !).

The first received "small moon" simple and generous! Because of the standard selection, so sent 12 shells can reload, 12 standard matching bullets, but also sent 48 more practice rounds! 10,000 water bombs! Reloading! And a target plate! It's just that the combination egg loader doesn't seem to go with the gun! ? "Little Moon" can shoot nine meters away! Effective range should be around seven meters! The only downside is that the texture and shape of the bullet affect the trajectory formation (the line is irregular! But WITHIN FIVE METERS IS OK:) PLEASE DON'T MIND MY WORDS) I BELIEVE THAT THERE WILL SOON BE SPECIALIZED IN SELLING BULLETS BUSINESS SPECIALIZED IN SELLING GOOD QUALITY MATCHING BULLETS! This is also a business opportunity!

Then there's Sky Marshal: It's a feature of being well made! Really is let a person fondle hand! And the gun fires like a needle hitting the bottom of a bullet! But the bullet seems to not match with the gun, not the same level of products! It's launched by a spring inside the shell! So the range is 5 to 6 meters, the effective range is about 3 meters, because the power is the spring force in the eggshell, so the range is unstable, the accuracy is relatively OK in close range!

In comparison, the range and accuracy of these two models are not equal to the old 98K and AK-47! Ak-177 is pretty accurate too! Note: it is now 2022.10.10 Sky Marshal only has 5 bullets available. Due to a spring problem in the shell, I modified the Small Moon magazine. The original 6 8mm cartridges were converted to 6mm cartridges, which can be shared with the 98k:) more accurate range:

Text, photo by Li Shuohao



Calvin Lee硕濠 
摄影 李硕濠
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